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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/08/08
Town of Antrim – Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. by Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Michael Genest in the Little Town Hall at the Antrim Town Hall.

Members Present:        Michael Genest and Gordon Webber.

Staff Present:  Neal Cass (Town Administrator), Matt Henry (Intern).

Media Present:  Josh Bond-Monadnock Ledger-Transcript and Michael Pon- The Villager.

1.  Approval of Minutes
           VOTE:  Selectman Webber moved that the minutes of the November 24, 2008 meeting be accepted as printed.  Chairman Genest seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Genest called for the vote.  All members voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

2.  Appointment with Andrew Robblee, Chair of the Planning Board.
Mr. Robblee stated that it is the opinion of the Planning Board that the Town Planner position be vacated by Bradley Houseworth needs to be filled with a quality candidate and needs to be filled as soon as possible.  Selectmen reviewed the advertisement and decided to defer a decision on placing it until the entire Board is present.

3.  Non-public Session – RSA 91-A:3 II (e) Legal
           VOTE:  Selectman Webber moved that the Board of Selectmen enter into Non-Public session under the provision of RSA 91-A:3 II (e).  Chairman Genest seconded the motion.  Chairman Genest called for the vote.  Selectman Webber and Genest voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried (2-0).

          The Board entered Non-Public Session at 5:06 p.m. returning to open session at 5:12 p.m.

           VOTE:  Selectman Webber moved that the minutes of the just concluded Non-Public Session be sealed.  Chairman Genest seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Genest call for the vote.  All members present voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

4.  Acceptance of Resignations.
The Board accepted the resignation of Town Treasurer David Essex effective immediately and TIF District Administrator William Prokop effective December 31, 2008, with regret.  Deputy Treasurer Connie Cody is not interested in the Treasurer position.  The Board will come to the next meeting with possible names.

VOTE:    Selectman Webber moved that Neal Cass be appointed the TIF District Administrator effective January 1, 2009.  Chairman Genest seconded the motion.  There being no further discussion, Chairman Genest called for the vote.  All members present voted in favor and the Chairman declared the motion carried.

5.  Town Administrator Updates
·       A Public Hearing concerning the withdrawal of funds from the Bridge Maintenance CRF for the North Main Street Bridge project will be held on December 29, 2008.  This concerns the Town’s share of this project.
·       The Town Administrator has completed the Antioch New England/Local Government Center Leadership Institutes I & II, graduating last Friday.
·       The cell phones are all being moved to a combined municipal account.  The cost per phone should be cheaper and there will be no taxes.
·       The Tax Collector has sent out deed notices.  The Town Administrator is presently working with two individuals on a Forbearance Agreement
·       The Holt Hill project wetland permit was received last week.  A copy will be sent to the contractor S. R. Jones.
·       Scott Burnside from Landsite Corp. and engineers from Quantum will be meeting this Friday to review the North Main Street project.  There will be more details of possible cost overruns after that meeting.
·       Fire Chief Mike Beauchamp will be asked to attend the Board meeting next week to discuss the appointment of an ambulance chief and the Fire Departments proposal to replace a tanker.
·       Selectmen approved the 2009 holiday schedule.

6.  Selectman Webber comments.
Selectman Webber said that he has been told that the fire department should have a rotating schedule for reviewing all commercial and public buildings.  He will bring it up to Fire Chief Beauchamp at the Board meeting next week.

7.  Presentation by Intern Matt Henry.
Present:  Bill Nichols-Cemetery Trustee, Fernando Barsanti-Water & Sewer Commissioner, Clarke Craig-ARTS Manager, Bob Varnum-Road Agent, and Sam Harding-Parks & Recreation Commission.

Mr. Henry presented a power point presentation on the advantages of restructuring the way the Town operates, and create a Department of Public Works with a Director who would oversee the entire department.  Most assembled did not think that now was the time to make such a transition.  Mr. Harding suggested that the Town carefully look at any areas that are not being addressed now.  All seemed to think that it is important to keep a dialogue going on the topic.

There being no further business, the Board decided by consensus to adjourn at 7:12 p.m.   The next meeting will be Monday, December 15, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.

Recorder:  Neal A. Cass
Date:  December 10, 2008
